Friday, 12 February 2010

My first ever P.C.G.B regional meet experience Feb 2010

I thought someone may like to hear my experience of going to my first PCGB regional meet which was in Essex.

I set off last night in plenty of time ( 50 mins) to arrive for 8P.M , only to find Google was quite out of date in its directions (yes really). This caused me to arrive at the venue 15 minutes after the 'start time' but since I was expecting a load of folk at a bar chatting I wans't too worried. My car drove as impecably as ever and the drive itself was enjoyable. Upon my arrival I checked out the car park , one 944 , two 928's and many, many 911 varients.

As I strolled in at 8.15 there was a lady PCGB member from the Institute of Advanced Motorists giving a lecture/presentation so I crept in and stood at the back as you do. Obviously during the lecture this didnt give even sociable chatty me any chance to meet anyone but the presentation was quite relevent to us Porsche folk so worth a listen. I would say there were around 40 people in attendence.

After the lecture most folk huddled quuickly in to groups of 5 or 6 plus and clearly all knew each other , I was quite visable but noticably only one club official and one other member spoke to me or even appeared to notice that I was there. I spoke for some time with a nice chap who I had approached and said hello too and it turns out that he was a new member like myself in the last week and has a 993 Targa. The only other person I met was the organiser a young gentleman who came round promoting a Scalextric night in two weeks time. Sadly this night out was too early for me to get to after work so I declined. The club chairman was there circulating but didnt appear to have noticed me though he walked right past me two or three times.

Would I go again , yes I would but would I go alone again, no I wouldnt as if I had not met the other new member I would have been the proverbial spare part at a wedding.

On a fun note,in my efforts to make conversation I mentioned Karting to the organiser chap and that I was interested in some Krting nights that another nearby region were holding as this region was not too far away. The gentleman quickly replied " ooh you may be better supporting their region in any inter region Karting as they are a bit too good ".

From the look on his face I belive that the neighbouring region had a bit of a reputation and could strike the fear of God in to the hearts of any potential competitors.

Cheers Mas

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